Confessio #1

A friend posted this article to my Facebook account and said it reminded me of her and it is who I am. Very nice article.

Tadhg Talks...

000000 confessio word face pexels TIME 111 SML wristwatch copyOne of my confessions is, that…I am a panentheist. There, I’ve admitted it.

Please don’t confuse this with being a pantheist, which I’m not. Pantheism – in a few words, and that really cannot do justice to the idea, is the theology that states that God is ‘in’ things. I do respect my pantheist friends even if I don’t always agree with them. But, I have benefited immensely from their friendship, teaching and ritual, and enjoy their sincerity, devotion and passion, and so what follows is (just) my confession.

Can you be as honest in what you truly believe? Here’s your opportunity.

So, I am a panentheist, and as a panentheist, I ‘see’ God not in (all) things, but all things in God, especially nature (and other people etc).

I firmly believe that this idea was there at the origins of Christianity, and that in being ‘modern’ or so ‘twenty-first…

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